Kamis, 12 September 2013

Megamind - Anime & West Movie

Megamind - Anime & West Movie 

         Megamind is a 2010 American 3D computer-animated superhero action comedy film directed by Tom McGrath. It was produced byDreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film was released in the United States in Digital 3DIMAX 3D and 2D on November 5, 2010. It features the voices of Will FerrellTina FeyJonah HillDavid Cross and Brad Pitt.
The film tells the story of a super-intelligent alien supervillain, Megamind, who after a long-lasting battle one day actually destroys his nemesis, the much-loved superhero Metro Man. Having the fictional Metro City for himself, Megamind finds out that his villainy has no purpose and thus creates a new superhero for him to fight.
Megamind received generally positive reviews from critics, praising its strong visuals, but criticizing its unoriginality. With a budget of $130 million, the film grossed over $321 million worldwide and despite being a moderate box office success, it became one of the lowest grossing DreamWorks' CG animated films.

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